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2024 Global Trauma


Every household deserves to be free of Trauma Drama ©

Remember: Every child only has ONE childhood!

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We welcome all Nurses who value the benefits of Wellness!

We are deeply committed to use our knowledge, to teach our unique skills, to use our health and wellness expertise and our professional time to help every person of every age experience the benefits of wellness.

104 Weeks

BSW Trauma Resolution

6 Neurokinetic Techniques™ eliminate symptoms in minutes and permanently in 104 weeks

Second Income

We are not recruiting anyone from their current employer!

Start learning-earning today. Short hours, with excellent pay!


BSW Academy

BSW Expert Witness, BSW Wellness Practitioner, EAP 1 & 2 BSW Live Blood Test Analysis

We provide weekly sessions via a secure Zoom call. The 104 weeks are based on Integrated Medicine that has now gained more credibility since nanotechnology has proven that every cell in the human body replaces itself over 104 weeks. By learning how to use our self-administered techniques to place sufficient demand on the new stem cells, the cells become proactive.

The “wellness factor” is the self-administered Neurokinetic Technique for illuminating the reality of evolving and the blood tests for monitoring the patient’s progress. A 21st century solution to the “kill or be killed” history, that is no longer safe when the drones can take the stunted reaction around the globe in minutes! The brain of the human can learn so quickly to be efficient at learning to learn to learn. Ending the internal war begins with ending the need for pain to be the dominate teacher. See the details by clicking Read More on 104 Weeks above.

We thank all nurses and their supporting staff for being on-call 24/7 through some of the toughest experiences around the globe. Your dedication has saved so many lives that we cannot thank you enough. As can be expected under such serious demands on your time, your skills, your compassion and your excellence, saves lives while too often leaving you too exhausted and burnt out. We are thrilled to be able to provide you with access to our Brain Stimulated Wellness program so that you can learn how to eliminate exhaustion and burn out as it happens. We know that you deserve to have no regrets, and no one should lose you to your exhaustion and for too many, your burn out. Please accept our help. Like you wanted your patients to accept your help! To relieve the financial issues, it has specifically been put together for you to not have to work more to get more. We have crafted multiple sources of second incomes that are reliable. See the details by clicking Read More on Second Income above.

The above list of training is intended to make you significant sums of revenues that enhance your lifestyle long after you retire. You only have to spend 1 or 2 hours per week using your expertise as a nurse. The objective is to utilize your nursing skills and knowledge to each of the listed programs. You can do this without taking on another job! These appointments are booked for you. We collect the funds for you. We pay you through our referral system. Note- the BSW Live Blood Test analysis will ultimately earn the most amount of money in court cases where you explain what wellness is and what it isn’t. See the details by clicking read more on Training above.

Detailed Explanation of our BSW Treatments and their benefits

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Karen Sabourin

BSW Originator / CEO

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I’m a Certified BSW Health and Wellness Practitioner and a retired Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with over thirty years in health care. I have a BS, Masters, and Doctorate in Nursing.

During my Nursing career, I served on the Hospital Ship Comfort as a Nurse Officer. I   developed and implemented “Wellness” programs while serving in the Navy.

I also served in the United States Public Health Service. During that time, I held the position as the Division Director for Community Health Services which included the department of the Outpatient Nursing, Inpatient Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Social Services and Health Education. I served on the National Board of Nursing for Indian Health Services and the Nurse Consultant for the Tucson, Arizona area.

I am also the wife of a retired Navy SEAL. I have seen the devastation trauma can have and I am here to ensure that every coach is thoroughly trained enough to consistently achieve immediate results, and to excel at getting the long-term benefits that literally change lives. As a medical professional, I am driven to get these exclusive BSW Neurokinesis Techniques available to every household.

Cherell Holladay

BSW Health & Wellness Officer

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  • First Place winner of the Outstanding Community Spirit Award Sponsored by Scotiabank and the United Way of the Lower Mainland
  • Finalist for The Spirit of Vancouver Award Sponsored by The Vancouver Board of Trade
  • First Place winner of Volunteer Vancouver's Innovation Award Sponsored by VanCity Credit Union
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Barbara Hennessy

Karli Grace

Boyd Saxton

Lupita Sotelo

Elena Zakurtaeva

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